The St. James’ church witnessed a wonderful performance showcased by the young children depicting the Nativity scene. The play saw the participation of boys and girls in good strength and they won the hearts of the congregation. The children were excited throughout and they essayed their roles very well. After the play, they were presented with gifts by Santa and were very happy to receive them. Needless to mention, the efforts of Sunday school teachers reflected in the exemplary performance the children had put up. Also, as a part of our gratitude towards the church staff, gifts were given to them for their support and services extended towards the upkeep and maintenance of the Church round the year and they were beaming with joy having received the applause and the recognition by the pastor and the entire congregation.
A solemn moment of pride was shared by the members of the church as a child was baptized during the service. It was indeed a moment of pure joy to have welcomed a young member into the congregation in the presence of the Holy Spirit as his parents pledged vows to ensure his upbringing in faith.