Women’s Fellowship

                    Women Fellowship Church Service (WFCS)  

Mrs. Mavis Russell is the President, President ,Vice president Dorothy Dass,

Mrs Sandhya Mehta  as Secretary and Mrs Nisha Das continue as Treasurer.

Mrs Shelly Biswas was appointed Convenor of the Fellowship of the Least Coin (FLC). Mrs Shalini Daniel took over as World Day of Prayer Convenor and Mrs Nalini James as Convenor for Christian Home. 

A common feature by the WFCS is holding a breakfast sale after the Church service. 

Bhandara is held monthly. This is mainly for the community around the Church.. 

WFCS takes active participation in other church  programs .


WFCS visits the St Mary”s Old Age Home and shares lunch with the exchange of gifts during the Christmas season.

WFCS took part in the Deborah Fete and had a kebabs stall and contributed towards the brochure with an advertisement.

WFCS initiates in the celebration of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day celebrations and distributes gifts. 

WFCS was  part of ‘Sewa’ (cleaning the church). Also sticking and mending the books of the church and stitching or mending the cassocks.

The red carpeting in the church is a collective effort of the WFCS. 

We are proud to say that WFCS has contributed for their assessment and other projects money which has been paid into the DWFCS account. 

The annual one day  retreat was organised this year on 15th November. The guest speaker was Mrs Aradhana Ajit Horo.Women from various CNI churches participated in the retreat.

 At the St James’ Church Fete in November 2024 WFCS put up 4 stalls.

.Our meetings are held every 2nd Sunday of the month. On a few occasions virtual meetings are also held. 

We encourage more women to join us.