Dear Friends,
As we come together to celebrate the 188th anniversary of our Church, let us look back with gratitude to the legacy which has been placed on our shoulders as members of this historic parish.
While not many institutions can lay claim to a heritage as distinguished as ours and yet, it is only with utter humility and sheer trepidation that we just might dare to follow a tad of Col. Skinners legacy of commitment to a promise made to build a church, and, therefore, with the same commitment, let us gird ourselves for the bicentennial.
It’s my prayer that St. James’ be like a tree, always watered by the Lord Almighty by having a dynamic Congregation, full of active, lively and thriving members participating in the everyday life and ministry of the Church.
May our branches grow to be abundant with fruit and may the Church be an oasis of rejuvenating freshness in the mad rush of life that is Kashmere Gate.
As new seasons come and go, may God in His indescribable goodness continue to bless our congregation with fruition and abundance.
Happy 188th !!
Revd. Joy Halder
Presbyter in Charge